Friday, 19 September 2014

We Have Joy

It's been one of those months where I have had to search at the end of everyday. At the end of each day, effortlessly search. Search for a reason to laugh. The kind of laughter that will have my stomach in a knot. The kind of laughter that has streams of tears running down my cheeks. Laugh so hard I have no time to determine how loud or how embarrassing my laugh can be. That kind of laughter.

Sitting now thinking about it is great cause every night I have gone to bed authentically joyful with a good dose of that kind of laughter. It's true. I won't be boastful any further but I'll be honest rather.

So in the last past weeks, somewhere in my subconscious mind, I've been haunted by the meaning of my first name. My mother named me Sinovuyo, which is isiXhosa, meaning: we have joy.

To prevent any further unanticipated rambling on my behalf; I will just say that I will do anything to be joyful. I mean that beaming-smile, genuine-laugh, free-spirited, whole-hearted, self-content, Cross-embracing and Christ-satisfied kind of joy.

The thing is when I get trapped in the buzzy busy of my very very little world it becomes almost so easy for me to let 'things' sabotage my joy, my esteem, my strength, my walk. It is not till I opened a page in my journal earlier this month and read, "The joy of the Lord is your strength - Nehemiah 8:10." As I turned the page it read, "Shout for joy, O heavens; rejoice, O earth; burst into song, O mountains! For the Lord comforts His people - Isaiah 49:13"

So there I was: in song, shouting for my joy. Hhey now don't deem me crazy. I told you I will do anything for my joy. Also, do know that being in song and shouting (literally) are not necessarily actions I'd like to have in parallel to one another - otherwise I wouldn't be my dad's daughter though I am my Father's child. However, it is just that I am willing to go to war for my joy.

Now this is not because I got given this duty cause my name suggests joyfulness. Neither is this because I am on this planet to walk on rainbows and pursue self-indulging pleasures for my life.

It's because I have come to know that sometimes joy is the only strength that I have. I am talking about the beaming-smile, genuine-laugh, free-spirited, whole-hearted, self-content, Cross-embracing and Christ-satisfied kind of joy.

Monday, 1 September 2014


The beauty of conventional social media leaves my face gleaming.
I was nominated by my sister, Tawonga, on Facebook to participate on the #WhyILoveGodChallenge. 

This is what my words can bear on this:

I love God because He loved me first. He has loved me always. In the fullest and definite meaning of the word love. He goes all out to show me that He is inlove with me. His love is not concerned about reciprocity or my consistency. He loved me before I took breathe and has never stopped. I love God because He first, unconditionally, loved me.


Wednesday, 20 August 2014

14 Promises from John 14

I took on the challenge, or rather the delight, to try find and meditate on all the promises God makes to His people in His Word. Well, trying would just be the beginning of me finding out that there are too many thousands of promises made.

A friend of mine reminded me of the flacidity of ones heart and mind in not being captivated by atleast five of His promises. I think I would be disregarding the ineffable beauty of the detail in which the Bible is written.

With there being too many promises to discover, I realised that this would be life long discovery.

14 Promises from John 14:

1) Jesus has prepared a place for me in His Father's house. v2

2) Jesus come again to fetch me to be with Him. v3

3) If I go to Him He will take me to the Father. v6

4) I get to know Jesus He will get to know/see His Father. v7

5) If I believe in Jesus I will get to do the things He did and greater things. v12

6) If I ask anything in Jesus' Name He will do it. v14

7) If I love Jesus and keep His commandments, He will pray to His Father to give me a Helper, the Holy Spirit, that will dwell with me and be in me. v17

8) Jesus will not leave me an orphan, He will come to me. v18

9) I will see Jesus because He lives and I will live as well. v19

10) I will know that Jesus is in His Father, I am in Him and Jesus in me. v20

11) If I have/keep Jesus' commandments and therefore love Him, I will be loved by the Father and Him and, He will manifest/show Himself to me. v21

12) If I love Jesus and keep His word, the Father will love me, come to me and make His home with me. v23

13) The Father will send, in Jesus', the Holy Spirit to help me, to teach me all things, to remind me of things Jesus said. v26

14) Jesus has left/given me peace. v27

What a blessing.. ..


Friday, 15 August 2014

Don't Forget Your Manners

I was walking from campus, steadily pacing for the midday bus. This was just me doing my every Wednesday business. Now my thing with catching a bus or train is: I just can't do it without my earphones. A bus or train ride can be dreadful when you've got the possibility of cheap, ignorant and careless conversation sparked in the seat behind yours. I am just not willing to let my ears pay homage to such but that's not what I'm on about today.

As I approach the queue for my bus, with Mali Music playing in my ears, I feel a sudden weight fall on my left foot just as I enter the station. I rapidly turn to see a fragile elderly lady laying on the dirty concrete floor with her pale face kissing my shoes.

My heart racing slightly, I quickly remove my earphones, throw my bag on the floor and reach down to help her. Wondering whether this was a medical emergency, I hear the lady saying, "Help! Help me. Help me" in the most breathless and minute voice. Struggling to get the lady standing, a man walks towards us and assists. Before I could decide if we needed any medical assistance or even finish asking the lady if she was fine, the old lady was steadily making her way towards her bus. As if her being on the floor asking for help just now was a dream.

I felt cheated. No regard for what had just happened. Like I was stupid for helping.

No I'm not writing this because "Woe is he who doesn't say thank you to me or acknowledge what I do for them." I am just reminded of the day this happened because of my gran lately constantly saying to me, "We can not afford to forget to say thank You. We prayed very hard about it and He has answered our prayers. Thank Him."

It's easy to get up and carry on after you've received what you asked for. However, if and when you become an advocate for: Matthew 21:22, John 14:13&14, Luke 11:9-13 and the likes.. Don't forget your manners.


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

Zero Options

It's always lovely to feel like you've got it figured out. "I've got this plan..if this doesn't work out I am banking on plan B ..and plan C and D and and and.." Oh how lovely, really.
BUT.. Wait for the day (or in my case, the days) where you're sitting on zero options. I mean ZERO. I could burst into abdomen-curdling laughter just at the thought. Not that it's funny, really, but I mean not even plan A dude.

You really will know the day God teaches you how to trust Him. I mean the zero options kind of trust. The kind of trust that just leaves no room for stressing, sweating, plotting, planning and sometimes even crossing fingers. Strictly no options. Especially when you've already prayed about it.

I heard someone say what's the use stressing about it when you've prayed about it. By stressing about it you're almost acting like you still have control over the situation. But wait for the day God teaches you how to trust Him. I mean the zero options kind of trust.

The beauty of that day.
Oh the beauty of the day after that day.


Monday, 4 August 2014

Circling The Wagons

If you're out at sea and you're about to become a shark's meal you would do anything to shout out for help. What is the possibility that there is someone out there to readily be of assistance? However, when you're surrounded by many, sometimes even loved ones, you do anything to avoid giving a cry for help. Many say it's a pride thing. Qualitative research says it's all got to do with the power of shame.

" Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we're very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It's as if we've divided the world into 'those who offer help' and 'those who need help.' The truth is that we are both."

In an interview with Oprah, Dr Brené Brown further elaborates saying, because those who are reluctant to ask for help are indicative of equating asking for help with weakness, they don't deserve to be of assistance to anyone.

It makes sense but does this mean we need to have a "hashtag to give help be willing to receive help" campaign? Sure, if you have to. However, this is more complicated than your mom scolding "we need to raise a more kind and helpful generation". The truth is we are both those who can offer help and sometimes need the help ourselves.

With that in mind, I choose to circle the wagons. Holding hands tightly with my family, my friends, the church. Forming a full circle of love. Not assuring that the foe won't gain entry but reassuring that my help is not far and your help is not aloof.


Saturday, 2 August 2014

Rapt and Ruminant

rapt (adj.)
1.showing complete interest in something
2.lifted up and carried away

ruminant (adj.)
1. given to or engaged in contemplation

I am a young, black, Christian 'gal' *American valley accent*. Born and raised in South Africa but currently located in England. I am a Neuropsychology student and, a lover of music, books, DMCs (deep meaningful conversations) and Jesus Christ. I suffer from what I would like to think is a healthy severity of what I call the inquisitive syndrome. My love for music, books and DMCs are just inevitable symptoms of this self diagnosis.

With this blog I hope to take a walk on a path of reflection. I hope to get carried away in thoughts of abstract phenomenon that interest me. I hope to savor the beauty of meditation.

Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy- meditate on these things.
Philippians 4:8
