Monday, 4 August 2014

Circling The Wagons

If you're out at sea and you're about to become a shark's meal you would do anything to shout out for help. What is the possibility that there is someone out there to readily be of assistance? However, when you're surrounded by many, sometimes even loved ones, you do anything to avoid giving a cry for help. Many say it's a pride thing. Qualitative research says it's all got to do with the power of shame.

" Many of us are willing to extend a helping hand, but we're very reluctant to reach out for help when we need it ourselves. It's as if we've divided the world into 'those who offer help' and 'those who need help.' The truth is that we are both."

In an interview with Oprah, Dr Brené Brown further elaborates saying, because those who are reluctant to ask for help are indicative of equating asking for help with weakness, they don't deserve to be of assistance to anyone.

It makes sense but does this mean we need to have a "hashtag to give help be willing to receive help" campaign? Sure, if you have to. However, this is more complicated than your mom scolding "we need to raise a more kind and helpful generation". The truth is we are both those who can offer help and sometimes need the help ourselves.

With that in mind, I choose to circle the wagons. Holding hands tightly with my family, my friends, the church. Forming a full circle of love. Not assuring that the foe won't gain entry but reassuring that my help is not far and your help is not aloof.


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